Quick Facts

Gnome Engineering

This quest was marked obsolete by Blizzard and cannot be obtained or completed.
If you wish to learn more about Gnome Engineering, take the Manual of Engineering Disciplines to Tinkmaster Overspark in Ironforge.
Manual of Engineering Disciplines (Provided) (1)


Engineering at the expert level breaks into two disciplines: gnome and goblin. While I think it is a waste, you should be aware of gnome specialization. They make items and gadgets that claim to change the world, but rarely often work.

<name>, read this manual. If you wish to learn how to make metal paper weights, then take that manual to Tinkmaster Overspark in Ironforge. Remember - membership is permanent and prevents joining the other discipline, so make sure you are sure before finishing his task!


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
See if you've already completed this by typing:
/run print(C_QuestLog.IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(3634))

