Quick Facts

DEPRECATED: Shadow Hunter Urko'jin

Retrieve the Totem of Seafaring from Darkspear Hold in the Echo Isles and bring it to Shadow Hunter Urko'jin in Orgrimmar's Valley of Spirits.
Convince Shadow Hunter Urko'jin to join the fleet (1)
Item #75047 (1)


We need to fill the remaining slots in the new blockade fleet before the night elves can reestablish their spy network in the city.

The Darkspears have yet to contribute much to the war effort, but if we can convince Shadow Hunter Urko'jin to add his forces to the fleet, that will change.

Problem is, Urko'jin won't go to war without the blessing of the spirits. Pay a visit to Darkspear Hold in the Echo Isles, retrieve the totem of seafaring, and deliver it to Urko'jin in the Valley of Spirits.


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
See if you've already completed this by typing:
/run print(C_QuestLog.IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(29867))

