Quick Facts

A Handful of Magic Dust

This quest is no longer available within the game.
Collect 7 handfuls of Pacifying Dust for Andarl at the Allerian Stronghold.
Pacifying Dust (7)


I'm going to need dust, but not just any dust.

The royal teromoths that inhabit the forest nearby have a magical dust upon their wings, which they use to pacify those that hunt them. I can make use of that property of the dust to assuage the resistance that I am feeling from the arakkoa eyes you retrieved. This, in turn, will allow me to use them to find Deirom.

I won't need much, perhaps half a dozen handfuls, or so.


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See if you've already completed this by typing:
/run print(C_QuestLog.IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(10048))

